Tuesday, 20 November 2018

Blog 3 - Practical Peer Review 2

Peer crit 19th November

What went well...?

-The right amount of visual information is included in each illustration-visually stimulating

-Effective simplistic aesthetic 
(trying to communicate the atmosphere and experience rather than exact and accurate replica)

-Synthesised practical and theoretical understanding. Exploring lots of mediums practically.


-What will your final outcome be? A book?
(A scrapbook, a collection of all my musical experiences together in one original book, holding aura)

-Could you provide some writing alongside your images? This would give more of an insight to your experience? 
(I have been creating case studies for each gig which so far are digital and therefore have not been shared, agreeably they are important) 

-Is it important to know who the performers are and where they are? 
(This is something I discuss in my essay and I personally find important as they create each musical experience)

-Maybe one image alone isn’t enough to capture the experience? 
(Just a snapshot, that one image becomes the rejuvenation. Perhaps more images per event would collectively provide more aura? I have been focusing on the range of different experiences rather than unpicking a few gigs, this could be deemed good and bad I guess)

-How can you show movement and make the moment more alive?

-What are you specifically trying to capture in each image? Sound? Atmosphere? Experience? 
(Each image has a different purpose depending on the musical experience and what jumped out at me being important and a main/memorable factor... this plays a big part in determining the medium used to create each image)

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