Wednesday, 31 October 2018

Practical Peer Review

Practical Peer Review feedback

Possible question: How can illustration capture the aura around live music?

-Prefer the work with more movement, more effective. Captures an experience more.

-Experiment more with colour and new mediums.
-How do colours relate to different music genres?
-Are handmade pieces stronger than photoshopped? 

-What colours present different genres of music?
-What outcome with be created? Whats the end goal?
-What different mediums will you use?

I am very interested in the theoretical side of this project. I find it very exciting and personally something that I am very into researching and understanding. I think it ties in well with the practical investigation but as of yet I am not sure where I'm going with the case study elements of it.

I have been struggling with capturing movement and loosening up. I know that I need to make work that is looser, that captures the movement of the performer but it is really difficult and very frustrating.
I am really excited to see how this project develops and how my visual investigation progresses.

I have found it quite challenging going back and reworking/creating the artwork. I have found that experiences have been solidified by the artwork I have already created and capturing the excitement of a gig is much easier shortly after to create lots of outcomes.

I think the ultimate resolution to this project should be a scrap book which is my collection of musical experiences.

I have found that I hardly draw the lead act, the one I came to see at the gig. They aren't necessarily the most memorable part of the experience. It is normally being surprised and seeing something knew that is similar to the act i very much like. Possibly also because I normally have a better view of the smaller bands? Also I feel that bands I really want to see perhaps are too stressful to draw and draw accurately because I have loved them for a long time and they are too big a concept?

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