Wednesday, 31 October 2018

Blog 2 - Practical Peer Review 1

Peer Crit 29th October

What went well...?

-Work with the most movement is the most popular, comes closer to capturing the experience

-Links well to the research question

-Mixing different mediums is effective
(choosing which material effectively captures each experience, what is appropriate)

-The hand-made images are the strongest, the digitally created ones look more flat 
(The aura of analogue, however can it be positively used to enhance and reproduce?)


-Could I explore cropping and perspectives of each image? 
(Would this represent my experience authentically though? Perhaps I could visualise the view more than the performers though?)

-Could I experiment with more mediums? 
(I guess another stage could be developing into print-making. This is a more planned and practiced way of image making rather than quick responses like I have been doing. They would hold different qualities, be more final and finished? 
I already use: coloured pencil, watercolour pencil, fine-liner, acrylic paint, photoshop, ink, oil pastel, chalk pastel, felt tip, biro and coloured stock.

-Could the work be more conceptual? 
(I guess this means less representative... The project would be an entirely different project and probably couldn't capture the aura of those exact experiences being quite conceptual?)

-Do different colours represent different music genres better? 
(Would this change the nature of my project? Rather than illustrating what was experienced it would be visualising the different types of music, not linking to the experience specifically) 
-Specifically explore the connotations of colour in response to music genres 
(This is something that I wouldn’t be considering when experiencing each musical experience, perhaps this would affect music listening though?)

-Narrow question further and relate more to illustration? Could possibly change to ‘How can illustration capture aura around live music?’ 
(Would this detract the emphasis of the holistic experience? The practical responses aren’t just illustrative, they include photographs and written responses as part of the practical too)

-Could I include moving image, some Gifs? 
(I want the practical to be analogue so this is something I didn’t really want to consider, however perhaps this would bring to life and recreate the aura of the experience further?)

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