Friday, 31 March 2017

Studio Task 7 - Rationale

My theme
The overarching theme is the impact and role of technology in image making. This relates to the way that analogue versus digital methods of production have generated a debate over the importance of ‘aura’, what makes an original original and the place of reproduction in image making. 
My methodology and rationale (why I am doing it this way)
I am exploring this theme through comparing analogue and digital ways of image making; specifically how there are cross overs between the two forms of image production which challenge:
whether the two methods are indeed separate,
how the two methods are suitable for different purposes,
how reproduction has been influenced by digitisation and
a discussion of aura and originality.
I have drawn strongly on the ideas of key theorists I have researched to guide what I chose to represent and how I chose to experiment. This provided a frame work for creating the images and analyzing them, captured as a critical journey through my journal, supplemented by my blog reflections and brought together in the three essays.
The imagery in my journal portrays analogue artefacts and digital technologies with reference to the theme and have tried to visually represent the impact of digital technology on image making, specifically in relation to analogue methods, over time.
My selection of materials
I feel that the materials I use are almost secondary and that they are there to convey the ideas rather than being part of the research, almost a modernist approach where “form follows function”. This is apart from  when they are used to show the pros and cons of analogue or digital and even challenge the processes.

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