Thursday, 5 January 2017

Trace a line Experiment

Traced line experiment

Whilst in my COP presentation discussion this video was discussed in relation to my project.

A Sequence of Lines Consecutively Traced by Five Hundred Individuals is an online drawing tool that lets users do just one thing - trace a line. 

Each new user only sees the latest line drawn, and can therefore only trace this latest imperfect copy. As the line is reproduced over and over, it changes and evolves - kinks, trembling motions and errors are exaggerated through the process.
A Sequence of Lines Consecutively Traced by Five Hundred Individuals was first created as a tool to be used in conjunction with Amazon’s Mechanical Turk - an online labor market. Mechanical Turk workers were paid 2 cents to trace a line.

I think that this relates really well to repetition and the fact that hand drawn things cannot be repeated exactly the same, each time the line is drawn it is an original. It is really interesting how different the initial line is to the last line- a bit like Chinese whispers visually!

From this I plan to do something similar by repeating an image over and over.

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